I am really looking forward to tonight. Know why? I get to (theoretically) sleep!!! I NEVER get a full nights sleep....no kidding. In the past 6 months the longest stretch that I have had has been 5 hours on 3 separate occasions. It is very very sad that I know precisely how many times I have gotten a short stretch of sleep out of an ENTIRE half year. Jon gets to sleep ALL day when he works....good. sound. can hear snoring in the living room. sleep! Of course he has to stay up all night at work so he does deserve to sleep all day BUT I am still jealous. Well starting tomorrow I will officially be "back to work". I am on the schedule 2 days every week. I have to be at the hospital by 7am and my job does require me to be able to function level headedly (is that a word.....it is now!) so I need to sleep. Now, realistically...we have sick babies so I may actually feel too guilty to sleep in the guest bedroom but we will see. Last night was absolute torture....Edie Claire did.not.sleep.!!! We each got about maaaaayyyyyyyybe 1 hour of sleep TOTAL. I don't know if she has caught the cold that I recently had or if she is teething but she is in misery. So we are in misery. She has classic cold symptoms but also diarrhea (just a tiny bit, once). Everyone has their opinion on teething symptoms so the only thing is to wait and see. The thing that leads me to lean more towards a cold is the sneezing.....and I hope it is a cold because if we have to go through this for all....what.......20 something teeth. Heaven help us!!!
Everything else is going along fine here........the house stuff is running smoothly.....expensively smoothly but smoothly nonetheless. Say that last sentence 5 times really fast. If nursing happens to ever go sour for me I will definately look into being some sort of home inspector....man they are high priced "professionals". There is pest inspector, home inspector, home appraiser.....haven't they ever heard the word consolidate??? Two hundred dollars here, four hundred there, half a million somewhere else........geez!!! I need one of those money trees my dad used to have. At least I thought he did.
Now on to the good stuff.....cutie pies!!!!!!!! I also have a video of Edie jumping in her jumperoo that I will post as soon as I have time to remember how to transfer from the video camera.....ENJOY!!!
This is the face we see every morning when we get Edie from her crib.....I have finally captured her awesome grin on camera.........
Ella seems less than enthused in the jumperoo......her feet don't touch the floor well enough yet.
I have them in the absolute cutest outfits today......once they are both awake at the same time and not crying I will get some pictures for you all to see........but for now here is a sneak peek.....