9 months! NINE! When did that happen???
We had their 9 month well baby check up today and threw in a little flu shot just for fun!!! Both girls are doing great...growing well and right on schedule. Our pediatrician was very pleased with everything. Here are their stats:
Edie...27 inches.....that's over 2 feet tall people!
19 pounds 10.5 ounces = bitchin mommy biceps
17.5 cm round noggin
Ella...26 inches.....still. over 2!!!
16 pounds 12 ounces....I thought for sure she weighed more than that
17.5 cm .....also big noggin
Now here is some picture fun...
Ella has been quickly catching up to her sister motor wise...she crawls and sits very well and now she is starting to try pulling up.......she gets up on her knees so far but I suspect she will be fully standing real quick. I love this picture...it seems that Edie is trying to help her......notice of course that Edie has her sock hanging from her mouth.

And here it seems that Ella pushed Edie out of the way and is saying "go on I can do it myself"...

This is how Edie dismantels from the fireplact hearth......she topples forward and rolls off....

Edie saying "seriously mommy how boring........just take the picture I've got places to go"

speaking of going...Edie can push this cart and walk all over the place......lord help me.......

Look at that cute little stretch pants bottom and chunky monkey thighs.....

Ella practicing her stance........

oh so proud...........

practicing some more

Ella modeling the new big girl carseats........