Sunday, May 30, 2010
Cooshie Tooshie!!!!
I must warn you. If you can't stand cuteness ... TURN BACK NOW!!! Since I had these undies on hand (thanks Marianne) ...... I decided to let Ella and Edie start to get used to wearing them. stinking cute!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Gosh has it really been 15 days???
WOW ... I just realized today that I haven't posted a thing here in 15 days!!! Goodness ... it's not like we haven't been rolling in barrels of fun though (sarcasm). These girls are taking the terrible twos and running with the phenomena!!! They (mostly Ella) kick, scream, push, pull hair, etc.....FUN.AND.GAMES.
It's great fun though because they are both starting to talk ... ALOT!!! Ella is a little chatterbox ... just one more reason that she is JUST like me. I do NOT pull hair though ... I have been known to kick and scream. It really is amazing how much they each favor us. Ella is a mini me ... she looks like me when I was a child, she is left handed, she is bossy, whiny, talkative, etc...
Edie looks JUST like Jon then and now ....right handed, laid back (mostly), etc.....
They are fun ... just loads and loads of work. Good thing they are so cute!!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Fun in the sun ....but it rained today!!!
We have had a really nice streak of sunshine lately! Of course it rained today ... but we still had fun. Since Jon works every weekend night we did a little Mothers Day dinner on Thursday ... it was delicious!!! Steak, corn, asparagus and lemon cake with lemon icing!!! Who doesn't love lemon on lemon??? Ella Grace of course .... I am beginning to wonder if she is really my daughter. First cotton candy gags and now this ..... the outright refusal to eat lemon cake. The kid will eat rocks, drink water from the outside sink ... the same one she dumps dirt into to make "soup" and the same one Rubi loves to drink from ...... but she won't touch lemon cake. Oh well more for me!!!
I tried to edit this picture .....FAIL!!! It's antiqued and all .... I love those little t shirts!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Lovin Life!!!!! And our new clothes......
We got a fantastic giant box of gently loved clothes in the mail yesterday!!! From Finn and Chloe (and Marianne and Aunt Margaret too.....). Most of them are a bit big but some fit Edie and Ella now .....there is something to be said about the way Southern ladies dress their babes!!! Fantastic and Exquisite per Fancy Nancy!!
We chose to take the fantastic and exquisite clothes and ROMP!!!
We drank from "big girl" water bottles at the top of stairs....
Saturday, May 1, 2010
We live in the best town!!!
The town we live in ROCKS!!! It's a small town right in the center of wine country. There is a fantastic "town green" and during the spring/summer months there are all sorts of weekly events. Every Thursday night there is music on the green ... a different local band every week and you can bring your own picnic and ice chest ... I think that is great because most events like that require you to buy the food and drinks they sell ...that gets pricey!!! I mean 3 dollar waters ....SERIOUSLY?!?!
I was super excited to find out there was a Cinco De Mayo (is that how to spell De?) celebration this afternoon. It is awesome to get the girls out of the house ....even though when it's just one of us with both of them it can get a little stressful keeping them roped in! But with our work schedules it is almost always "just one of us" there is no choice but to brave it solo!!!
Ella Grace has been obsessed with my old cell phone lately ... WILL.NOT.PUT.IT.DOWN! That and her baby ....she carries a baby doll around ALWAYS ....(it was in the stroller when this picture was taken). As a matter of fact the baby and cell phone and bear and "yight" aka little tykes light are asleep with her NOW. So today we were walking along and I turned around to check on her and this is what I found ..... is she texting? calling da -eeeee (daddy)???? As a really funny aside ....we were walking along a man was talking on his cell phone and Ella stopped in front of him, put the phone to her ear and said .... HeyYooo!!! (fyi ... hello) ... she was imitating cute!!!
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