Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Is this why they call it Double Trouble????

Now that Edie and Ella are mobile we often find them digging into anything and everything. They are full of curiosity and mischief...it's great fun and 2 tons of work. It's awesome to watch their little wheels spinning...cool stuff!!! It is not uncommon to hear me say (way more than one time a day) "WHAT HAVE YOU GOTTEN INTO NOW???" ...of course in a very animated voice...you can't very well scold a 14 month old....and our house is pretty childproofed so they are usually into harmless things... I have noticed that Edie responds to this by either dropping what she has or turning around and walking away....it's is hilarious people!!! Funny too because it's not like she gets in trouble by us or anything but she definately knows right from wrong......here is a perfect example!!!
I came downstairs yesterday and found them with all their nighttime diapers strewn around the room...they love to do this. So I say something along the lines of ....WHAT DID YOU GIRLS DO????

Edie immediately got up and ran over to the ottoman......look at her....leaving her sister behind and acting like she did nothing of the sorts....

This must be why they have those straps on the highchairs....

No words needed........

They both love to lie on their bellies and play...too cute!!! Never mind the toys everywhere...usually the first thing they do every morning is empty the toybox...

here mommy...let me take some pictures...

sweet Ella Grace...

Ella kicked back watching some Backyardigans......

Edie ... playing a little ditty...or is it diddy???

Ella.........is a WALKER.....


SouthernDogwoods said...

Yep, double the trouble, double the fun! I remember that stage so well. My girls loved getting into the pantry and going crazy. Great pictures!

Amanda said...

LOL, that is so funny!!! I esp. love Ella's look in that first one!! Brooklyn likes to open her wipe box and rip wipes into tiny pieces. Haha.

sara said...

I love me some naked baby butts!