You know it was a good day when I pay 25 dollars for these

And a sweet angel .... passes out ........

.......just plum tired !!!

We headed on down to the annual Sonoma County Fair today and had a blast!!! Edie, as I suspected, L.O.V.E.D. the rides ..... she was disappointed on more than one occasion to discover that she did not measure up for the height requirements. We were allowed to ride some of the rides with them but not others ..... and I will tell you this is yet another way that she is JUST. LIKE. HER. DADDY!!! The kiddy carnival is about as far as my riding goes ....I am a chicken!!! We did have a great time today though .....

Ella was a little freaked out and being so overtired did not help .....


She was so proud ... she kept waving out of both sides of this little truck ... like she was in a parade......

Ella didn't mind this one because it didn't lift off the ground...

We all enjoyed our fair burgers .... but who doesn't love a good fair burger. NO?

They are much better when you smear the mayo all over your face ..... like so!!!

Isn't this the sweetest little guy/girl !!!

Edie and Ella both loved the animals ..... we couldn't find the petting zoo this year but we saw plenty of farm animals ....

It sure was a licky little calf.....

*** disclaimer *** I do NOT love the mexi sandals !!! I was desperate !!! I SWEAR !!! You see, I buy my shoes in bulk. Two for Five Old Navy flip flops BFFs !!! I love flips, I live in flips .....and I obviously overestimate the ability of a good flip flop to withstand county fair conditions. So when my favorite flips busted as Edie and I excited the jumping jumbo ride, I was left in quite a predicament. There was NO WAY they were having any part of us leaving that fair to get me some shoes (and I was smart enough to NOT EVEN present that idea to them) ..... so Jon stayed with the wild and wide awake Edie for more ride riding and I strolled THROUGH. THE. COUNTY. FAIR. with a sleeping Ella and BOB with ONE shoe off. GROSS!!! I looked EVERYWHERE (I know I am YELLING alot but this is serious people) you realize there is so much tacky crap for sale at a fair ........ but NO flip flops???? Why ???
So anyhow ......I ended up finding those sandals and talked the guy down from $40 to $25 .....and even though I got majorly ripped off ..... I was happy to cover up my foot that was both filthy and a little blistered at this point because I was walking across HOT asphalt......
So don't judge me !!!
You lie! Those are your favorite sandals in the world...admit it!
Those pictures are adorable...what a fun day. Seeing a cow always makes it better for kids (personally cows and their super long tongues gross me out, but kids seem to love them)!
I think you should have bought some boots with fringe :)
The pictures are so cute, love the falling asleep with the legs crossed.
Not judging! And I live in flip flops once the weather gets above 50. :) Literally. I buy a lot of Yellow Box flip flops so they look a little nicer, but I have worn my CROC flip flops for three years for just running around and love them. I have virtually no tread on the bottom of them anymore. :)
Glad you guys had a good time.
Those sandals are hilarious. Love the pics! Kiddy rides rock!!!
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