I have had a bit of a stressful 2 days though ... because of course Edie and Ella (mostly Edie) have decided to tic another milestone off the list......I usually like to spend time researching things before I have to buy them. I like to read reviews, shop around (online of course) for the best price, etc....but little Ms. EC had other plans for me ....she decided yesterday would be a great time to climb out of her crib. So I had to spend most of today deciding what to do...but something had to be done because she came to my room this morning with a bloody lip. I, of course, lost the conversion kit for her crib ...so I needed to either find a rail or get a toddler bed or just get them both twin beds.....you see my dilemma. The rails are 75 dollars and just any old bed rail won't work on a crib ...I don't want to get them twin beds all hastily because I want to get them good quality stuff and for that I need research!!! So I headed out and decided to whip into Walmart ... they had a 55 dollar toddler bed. PERFECT!!! They only had one but that was OK....I thought I would just keep Ella in her crib for a while anyway. But just before bed tonight she seemed so pitiful in her caged in crib while Edie ran free so I took off the front of her crib too. She does not have any rails but I made her a pallet on the floor just in case she rolls out. So here they are in their new big girl sleeping devices.........
Auntie Margaret made Ella and Edie the most adorable Alabama outfits ... they are fantastic!!! She is so talented .. you can't even tell that they are hand made really.....If we lived closer I would so hit her up to teach me how to sew......
Ella Grace ......loves to carry purses!!!!
I have been hanging lots of pictures lately and making some crafty things for Christmas, etc......and I think that someone has been watching me.....