Ella spent most of the time filling and dumping one of the candy containers....
She also pointed out the fact that we actually have fish in our aquarium ... "tish, tish, tish".....
Edie, I think, really enjoyed having a constant stream of trick or treaters... she was watching Yo Gabba Gabba and everytime the doorbell rang (which was friggin constantly) she walked to the front door with me and after I gave the candy out she would wave and close the door.... and walk back to watch her show.....
and when she wasn't watching Gabba she was stealing candy...
Ella Grace ..... sassy, bossy, prissy, whiney.......and ?!?!?!?!?!?! I found her like this the other day ... on her new laptop!!! I promise you neither Jon nor I EVER sit like this when we are on the internet.....
Edie took great measures to get her candy ... she tried to climb on the pool table for it...
Ella loves to be bossy ... here she is pointing her finger saying "don't don't"....
Edie still trying to climb for candy.....she does NOT stop climbing!!!
Ella likes to ride on daddy's golf travel bag...
Edie chowing on an egg roll...
They have both started taking their plates and eating in the living room.....here they are eating in their chairs....how darn sweet are they???
The way I see it, we can do anything we want with our kids- after all, they are ours. If you don't want to dress them up for Halloween, then good for you. They'll never know the difference!
My Goodness! I can't believe that people told you those things. I have not heard those comments just yet...I did not do anything last Halloween when my twins were 2 months old nor did I do anything now at 14 months! I don't Halloween, that's for starters..but I am big on keeping the twins' schedules as much as possible so I am not going to cut into the bath time just to give out candy to kids that I don't even know...and that probably don't even need all that sugar. I'll do Halloween when the boys want to do it..maybe next year or the one after?!
Just giving you support here!!!
Good for you!! I personally feel that dressing up little kids and carting them around for candy is torture for everyone involved. Put it off as long as you can.
Who care if you didn't dress your kids up? No judgment here! I get it!!! I love love love the pictures...can't get enough!
By the way, you're a total slacker Mom...hahahahahahaaa!!!
They are SO sweet! LOVE the picture of Ella eating and typing. Can I get an AMEN?! I think Halloween is SO hard with little ones. I felt bad for not dressing up the girls last Halloween (when they were 3 mos old) so I HAD to do it this year. THE GUILT. :-)
So, Claire's not the only one who eats and types and watches tv ( :
I think they look adorable in their Halloween outfits. Who cares what other people think!? As long as you and your kids have fun, that's all that matters.
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