omg, I LOVE their eyes! So beautiful- I can't believe how big they've grown! (I also can't believe that it's been probably around 4 years since I've even seen you considering I only lived in SR for 9 months back in 2005 before moving to SF)
Let me know whenever you're in the city- my trecks up that way are few and fewer (no car still!). If you come I'll make orange colored treats for you and the girls :) Follow my sans-kids and family life at (It had a little makeover from the last time you saw it...) -Kaley
2/2005 excruciating abdominal pain. ER visit. Exploratory Lap. Right fallopian tube removed due to torsion (twisting).
2/2005 referred to RE (reproductive endocrinologist) because even though left tube was not removed it had hydrosalpinx (fluid in it). Chances of it functioning slim to none.
4/2005 met with RE to discuss options. Chose to not proceed right away.
4/2006 decide to revisit RE and start IVF process. Began all the counting, measuring, blah blah blah. You girls know all the crap we have to do.
6/2006 ER (egg retrieval) and first ET (embryo transfer) and first BFN (big fat negative). The day of my ER was also the same day my biological mother died and a dear friend had brain surgery. PHEW!!!
8/2006 second try with a FET (frozen embryo transfer). Second BFN. Damn it.
2/2007 RE and OB decide it best to go ahead and remove the left fallopian tube. Just in case that is causing problems. I say go for it -- because according to my RE everything else was perfect. The eggs, the embryo, my lining, my labs, etc... so why the hell was I not pregnant yet? So tube begone.
2/2007 OB says we can go right ahead with another cycle but we sit it out awhile. I had to rebuild my spirit. It was crushed by this point.
6/2007 Final FET. Last 3 frozen embryo. If it didn't work - not sure if we would do another round. But alas -- we got a BFP (big fat positive). I took at least 15 pregnancy tests before the RE confirmed it with blood work.
3/2008 Edie and Ella are born. And the rest has been blogged about -- so read up!!!
Oh God! I remember when mine could barely hold their little heads up! It's crazy!!!
The last 2 pictures are too, too cute! They are getting so big, so fast. Make it stop!!!!
They're so cute and I love the photos of them with the popsicles!
So sweet!
I am so glad to see that Edie is getting hair. I will share with Cade that there is hope. They are both suck beautiful little girls.
omg, I LOVE their eyes! So beautiful- I can't believe how big they've grown!
(I also can't believe that it's been probably around 4 years since I've even seen you considering I only lived in SR for 9 months back in 2005 before moving to SF)
Let me know whenever you're in the city- my trecks up that way are few and fewer (no car still!). If you come I'll make orange colored treats for you and the girls :)
Follow my sans-kids and family life at
(It had a little makeover from the last time you saw it...)
Loving the vitamin C are you? I love the photo with the popsicles...too cute!
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