Monday, April 20, 2009

I just discovered google's awesome!!! I can look at the stats of my tells me how many times each day it is looked they found my blog.......even where they are visiting from. We have had almost 400 hits just in the last 2 weeks! E Squared is already popular!!! We have had visitors from Singapore, Canada, Europe....and a few other places that I can't pull from my hat at the moment. It is so cool......
Funny last post only got me 10 comments!!! Seriously people.....give me a shout out!!! It's fun to get comments..........
I have another option for you if you don't want to give me a comment.........

vote for my friend Shawna.........well for her adorable little boys anyway!!! She will win an awesome stroller.....which is VITAL when you have twins.......

Just go here ...........and they are the 5th picture down!!! It's a close up and black and white!!!

I will post pictures very very's been a bit boring around here!!!


shawna said...

Thank you so much!! I would love to win that stroller

Adriane said...

I love Google Analytics, too! I read your blog pretty often and linked to it on mine. I think your girls are just adorable and I love reading about the antics of other twin girls. Especially some slightly older than mine - helps me know what I'm in for and up against in the future! :-)

sara said...

How do you do that? I think it would be fun to see :-)

Sarah said...

I love my sitemeter...I always wonder who all these people are that read about Claire (over 8,000 this past year!!)and never comment...crazy (and kinda weird too) huh?

Danifred said...

I cannot figure out how to get my Google Anaytics to work, but now, I'm soooo intrigued!

SouthernDogwoods said...

I signed up for Google Analytics too but do not have a clue to see where your viewers are from. I may call on you to help