Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sweet Ella -- is proud of the fact that she LOVES HER MOMMY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edie -- helping daddy check the status of his golfer in his suicide golf league.......... he got booted out this week!!!!!

Edie -- getting bored with the whole activity mat thing -- she prefers to eat.

Ella -- lounging on the boppy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edie -- also lounging on the boppy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edie -- just a swingin

and then she's had enough !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ella -- just too darn cute.
We have learned alot over these past 5 weeks. Having two babies is a challenge but not nearly as difficult as some may think. We are enjoying the girls -- they seem to be awake a bit more during the day and NIGHT !!! Some nights are longer than others. Jon will be going back to work in a few weeks and I am NOT looking forward to that. Since he works night shift I will have the babies alone 24 / 4 -- it may be more difficult then -- but hopefully we will have a nice routine established and they will have mercy on their mommy.
We have a few new best friends that have really helped us through these past weeks -- I will leave you with pictures of them -- for now...................
Best friend #1 -- thank god for the "night night" drive. It works like a charm. Every time. When one or both babies are crying and we have gone through our list of possible culprets without soothing them -- strap them in their seats and as soon as the seat clicks into the base in the car we have complete silence. This is no joke -- before we even get the doors closed and the car started they are out - EVERY TIME !!!!!!!!!!! We love you Saturn Outlook!!!!

AAAAHHHHH baby wearing -- Mr. or Mrs. Bjorn is a genius. This works better for Ella than Edie but I love it just the same. We have a Moby wrap but I have not perfected the art of tying it just yet -- I need more practice.

This stuff is magic -- it gets EVERYTHING out -- from formula spit-up to daddy nosebleed drips to poo poo blowouts -- I mean EVERYTHING. Someone did tell me it does not work on organic babyfood but we have a while before we worry about this one -- thank you Mr. / Mrs. Spray n Wash !!!!!!!!!!

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